- 3D X-ray (Digital Volume Tomography-DVT))
- Dentistry in old age (geriatics)
- patients with anxiety: special (empathic) concepts including nitrous oxide
- aesthetic periodontal surgery (gum correction)
- Craniomandibular dysfunction-CMD, function, bite, splint therapy
- Computer-aided functional analysis via ARCUSdigma
- digitale imprints
- financing and payment by installments
- Ample parking options
- High success rates in root canal treatment-RCT and periodontitis
- many years of experience
- Complete reworks (also under general anaesthesia)
- Tooth corrections with aligners (ClearCorrect)
- ceramic impants
- pediatric dectistry (with special qualifications)
- Memberships in various professional associations
- Modern in-house dental laboratory
- Non-Prep-Veneers
- Emergencies (by appointment for regular patients)
- Oral surgery
- Prophylaxis as part of a proven dental preservation concept
- Recall system including SMS reminder 24 hours before appointment
- Splints against snoring and sleep apnoea
- Focus on implantology including bone structure and
- “Same Day Implants”
- General anesthesia, sedation and nitrous oxide
- very high level of quality
- immediate implant placements
- Tricare
- Root canal treatments under surgical microscope
- Dental prosthesis (metal-free) that is optically indistinguishable from real teeth
- Dental prosthesis considering gnathological aspects
- Time-optimized treatment concepts (for patients with little time)
- second opinions