Guide to surgical procedures

  • Please come to our practice well rested. Alcohol, excessive nicotine consumption and the use of non-essential drugs (for example, sleeping pills or stimulants) must be strictly avoided in the days before treatment.
  • If additional preliminary examinations are to be carried out (by internist or ear, nose and throat specialist), the results should be available before treatment.
  • Please do not drink anything in the last 3 hours before the procedure. The interruption of the operation due to urination can thus be avoided.
  • Please prepare at home tools for cooling (ice cubes, bags and cooling pads).
  • Please have a trusted person pick you up from the practice and accompany you home. Do not drive yourself and alone.


  • Clindamycin is an antibiotic. Of these, please take one tablet 3 hours before the procedure and then 1 tablet every 6 hours.
  • Chlorhexamed is a chlorhexidine-containing mouthwash solution. During the first two weeks of healing, you should carefully rinse 1 tablespoonful twice a day in your mouth for about 30 seconds and then spit it out. By reducing germs, wound healing is accelerated and inflammation is prevented.
  • Dolomo is used for pain control.
  • Solcoseryl is an ointment that serves to cover the wound and thus to protect it. This will speed up the healing.

Behaviour after the surgical procedure:

  • Please do not eat or drink hot food and drinks in the first few days. Avoid physical exertion and sports. Do not rinse your mouth too much: this can cause bleeding.
  • In the event of bleeding, apply pressure directly to the bleeding area using a clean cloth. After 20 minutes, the bleeding should have stopped. Otherwise, please call us (Practice: 0611 505 998-0 ). However, slight seepage bleeding and blood taste are not uncommon.
  • Swelling occurs due to increased blood flow in the region that has been operated on. The volume increases in the first two days after the procedure and decreases in the following 5–14 days. Immediate cooling in the first 5 hours after the procedure (alternately: 15 minutes of cooling, 5 minutes of rest) can reduce the extent.
  • Nicotine consumption must be strictly avoided during the entire healing phase so as not to endanger wound healing.
  • You can clean the teeth with toothbrush and toothpaste as usual. However, the wound must not be touched.

Many thanks for your careful and cautious behavior.

Emergency telephone number: Practice 0611 505 998-0; Weekend 01805 607011
